The simplest and easiest way for you to purchase a new Kool Kap is to use our “Find a Contractor in Your Area” search engine. Once you locate a contractor, or contractors in your area, you will have access to the company contact person, their address, phone number, e-mail address and website if they have them.
To use the “Find a Contractor in Your Area” search engine, simply click on your state and hit 'GO'. This will provide you with a list of every contractor in your state that is authorized to sell and install Kool Kaps. The contractors will be listed alphabetically by the town/city in which they are located.
If you live in an area where Kool Kap does not currently have an authorized contractor who can assist you, then you’re in luck.
Contact the local contractor that either installed or services and maintains your air conditioning system and tell them about Kool Kap and your desire to purchase a Kool Kap. If you are not familiar with a reputable air conditioning contractor in your area, ask your friends and neighbors to recommend one. Ask the contractor to contact us by phone or e-mail. If they become an authorized Kool Kap contractor, you will receive your Kool Kap FREE!
The simplest and easiest way for you to purchase a new Kool Kap is to use our “Find a Distributor in Your Area” search engine. Once you locate a distributor, or distributors in your area, you will have access to the company, their address, phone number, e-mail address and website if they have them.
To use the “Find a Distributor in Your Area” search engine, simply click on your state and hit 'GO'. This will provide you with the list of every distributor authorized to sell Kool Kaps in your state. The distributors will be listed alphabetically by the town/city in which they are located.